It is beautiful
It is silence
It is peace
It is magic
It is meditation
It is deep
It is endless
A place you call dreamland with all sort of tiny and huge
colorful creatures
A place whose plants looks like luscious colorful Maggie
A place so colorful so magical that each moment feels
like new weather
A place that is so calm and still and sometimes so rough
and rigid but at the end it still ends to be the most beautiful place.
A place with each time creating different scenario all
together with its movement
A place far away from wars, corruption and all kind of
negativities of the world
A place that is so secretive and so sensitive
A place with neither any land nor any sky
A place full of blue silences
A place where you can count each single breathe each
moment of your life.
A place where you can feel your presence, you can believe
in yourself .
Imagine to live your whole life this way, be fully alive
to each and every moment !